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Loricariichthys maculatus

Loricariichthys maculatus

Photo: Haakon Haagensen

Loricariichthys maculatus

Loricariichthys maculatus

Photo: Haakon Haagensen

Loricariichthys maculatus


Among the recent new imports from Suriname, we find some Stickfishes. One of these is Loricariichthys maculatus. This is the only Loricariichthys species described from Suriname, and it seems very few have had the pleasure of keeping it in aquarium so far. Certainly, other types of Plecos from Suriname warrants higher prices on the market than these rather inconspicuous twig Catfishes, which is part of the reason we don’t see them offered very often. However, we were lucky enough to import it to Norway in 2017, and hopefully there will be more coming in soon. Loricariichthys are pretty tough, hardy bottom dwellers, as long as certain demands are met. Fine grained sand, some shelter and not too much competition from greedy, aggressve or boisterous tankmates are important factors. They are also known to prefer higher temperatures, as they often reside in shallow, still water scorched by the sun in their natural habitats.   


Name: Loricariichthys maculatus (Bloch 1794)

Trade names: 

Origin: Suriname

Maximum TL: 25 cm / 10''


Loricariichthys are peaceful bottom dwellers which live sedate lives with little action. They only wander about when food is offered. These fish should be given calm surroundings with both open sand areas and shelter under roots. Plants are also good for shelter. Loricariichthys are omnivores, and the food should consist of high quality dried foods, frozen insect larvae and small crustaceans. In clean, well-conditioned water they will easily breed right on the substrate, where the male will guard the spawn. Females have wider bellies when seen from above when well-conditioned, and the males develop a larger lower lip during the brooding season, which they use to shelter the eggs. In the wild, the eggs are often found attached to dead leaves, which may be carried around by the male.


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