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Panaqolus claustellifer L306

Panaqolus claustellifer L306

Photo: Andreas Tanke

Panaqolus claustellifer L306

Panaqolus claustellifer L306

Photo: Andreas Tanke

Panaqolus claustellifer L306

Panaqolus claustellifer L306

Photo: Andreas Tanke

Panaqolus claustellifer L306

Panaqolus claustellifer L306

Photo: Andreas Tanke

Panaqolus claustellifer L306

Panaqolus claustellifer L306

Photo: Andreas Tanke

Panaqolus claustellifer L306

Panaqolus claustellifer L306

Photo: Andreas Tanke

Panaqolus claustellifer L306

Panaqolus claustellifer L306

Photo: AquaFin Shop

Panaqolus claustellifer L306

Panaqolus claustellifer L306

Photo: AquaFin Shop

Panaqolus claustellifer L306

Panaqolus claustellifer L306

Photo: AquaFin Shop

Panaqolus claustellifer L306

Panaqolus claustellifer L306

Photo: AquaFin Shop

Panaqolus claustellifer L306

Panaqolus claustellifer L306

Photo: Andreas Tanke

Panaqolus claustellifer L306

Panaqolus claustellifer L306

Photo: Andreas Tanke

Panaqolus claustellifer L306

Panaqolus claustellifer L306

Photo: Andreas Tanke

Panaqolus claustellifer L306

Panaqolus claustellifer L306

Photo: Andreas Tanke

Panaqolus claustellifer L306


Panaqolus species are dwarf Panaques, to put it simple. L306 is among the more rare species of the genus in the hobby, and is currently not allowed for export from Brazil. It's found in the Takutu River, the border between Brazil and Guyana – not an area where much ornamental fishing occurs. In aquariums, they are fairly hardy fish once settled, and as long as they are given wood to chew on.  


Name: Panaqolus claustellifer (Armbruster, Sousa & Tan, 2016)

Trade names: L306, Takutut Tiger Pleco

Origin: Rio Takutu, Brazil/Guyana

Maximum size: 13 cm / 5''


Panaqolus species are great aquarium fish. They need shelter in the form of wood and rocks, and if they feel safe they will venture out in search of food even during daytime. They prefer a vegetarian diet, and of course wood is essential for their digestion. Some crustaceans and insect larvae can be added to their diet, but a diet consisting of too much protein and too little vegetarian food can cause trouble. They are peaceful Plecos, but males can be quarrelsome over territories and food. Panaqolus species are slightly more challenging to breed than many other popular Plecos, but it's usually all a matter of time and patience. When they do, they breed in typical Loricariidae manner with the male guarding the brood in his cave. Usually, male Panaqolus develop quite impressive odontodal growth on their flanks and on their fins.


There are lots of similar looking Panaqolus species being exported from both Peru and Brazil. L306 is one of the Brazilian forms, and can be confused with L169 from Rio Negro. L306 seems to have a more reddish colour than L169, which is usually more beige.



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