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Peckoltia sp. L76

Peckoltia sp. L76

Photo: Enrico Richter

Peckoltia sp. L76

Peckoltia sp. L76

Photo: Lars Jamne

Peckoltia sp. L76

Peckoltia sp. L76

Photo: Lars Jamne

Peckoltia sp. L76

Peckoltia sp. L76

Photo: Lars Jamne

Peckoltia sp. L76

Peckoltia sp. L76

Photo: Lars Jamne

Peckoltia sp. L76

Peckoltia sp. L76

Photo: Lars Jamne

Peckoltia sp. L76

Peckoltia sp. L76

Photo: Lars Jamne

Peckoltia sp. L76

Peckoltia sp. L76

Photo: Lars Jamne

Peckoltia sp. L76

Peckoltia sp. L76

Photo: Lars Jamne

Peckoltia sp. L76

Peckoltia sp. L76

Photo: Lars Jamne

Peckoltia sp. L76

Peckoltia sp. L76

Photo: Lars Jamne

Peckoltia sp. L76

Peckoltia sp. L76

Photo: Lars Jamne

Peckoltia sp. L76

Peckoltia sp. L76

Photo: Lars Jamne

Peckoltia sp. L76

Peckoltia sp. L76

Photo: Lars Jamne

Peckoltia sp. L76

Peckoltia sp. L76

Photo: Lars Jamne

Peckoltia sp. L76

Peckoltia sp. L76

Photo: Lars Jamne

Peckoltia sp. L76

Peckoltia sp. L76

Photo: Lars Jamne

Peckoltia sp. L76

Peckoltia sp. L76

Photo: Lars Jamne

Peckoltia sp. L76

Peckoltia sp. L76

Photo: Lars Jamne

Peckoltia sp. L76

Peckoltia sp. L76

Photo: Lars Jamne

Peckoltia sp. L76

Peckoltia sp. L76

Photo: Lars Jamne

Peckoltia sp. L76

Peckoltia sp. L76

Photo: Lars Jamne

Peckoltia sp. L76


Many Peckoltia species look quite similar and are hard to tell apart, so it's always nice with exceptions like for example this one. It's called the Orange Seam pleco for a good reason, it has very nice light orange seams in it's fins, making a fine contrast to it's darker body. It can grow to about 15 cm and is a hardy and beautiful species that should be of interest even for more mainstream fishkeepers.


Name: Peckoltia sp. L76

Trade names: Orange Seam Pleco, L76, L99

Origin: Rio do Pará, Brazil

Maximum TL: 15 cm / 6''


Currently, L76 is one of a few Peckoltia species allowed for export from Brazil. Often wild fish needs some proper care and feeding to regain their strength and vitality, and when they are happy and relaxed they will show off a dark body colour. Stressed individuals are pale with slightly darker markings, and this look led to another number being given to it; L99. This number should be ignored. L76 is an omnivore, so a varied diet is required. After a period of mainteance and conditioning the fish are easy to breed. Clean, warm water with good movement and a tank furnished with decent caves and other hiding places makes the fish feel relaxed, and the males will show off some impressive odontodal growth on their flanks.



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