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Peckoltia sp. L288

Peckoltia sp. L288

Photo: Enrico Richter

Peckoltia sp. L288

Peckoltia sp. L288

Photo: Enrico Richter

Peckoltia sp. L288

Peckoltia sp. L288

Photo: Neil Woodward/Pier Aquatics

Peckoltia sp. L288

Peckoltia sp. L288

Photo: Steven Grant

Peckoltia sp. L288


L288 is not a very common encounter in the hobby, although it's very easy to mistake it for one of the other similar Peckoltias. Broad black markings cover an orange/yellow body. As an aquarium fish, L288 is a typical, easily maintained species suitable for most well kept set ups. 


Name: Peckoltia sp. “L288”

Trade names: L288

Origin: Rio Curua-Una, Brazil.

Maximum TL: 14 cm / 6''


L288 is an omnivore, so a varied diet is required. After a period of maintenance and conditioning the fish are easy to breed. Clean, warm water with good movement and a tank furnished with decent caves and other hiding places makes the fish feel relaxed, and the males will show off some impressive odontodal growth on their flanks and caudal fin. 10-50 eggs are laid in tight caves where the male guards them.


L288 is quite beautiful with it's very clear, black markings against the orange/yellow body. It can be confused with L15 and L140, but these are more pale yellow. Also, L288 seems to have a slightly more wormlined pattern when adult.



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