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Peckoltia sp. L494


In December 2016, DATZ magazine published a whole group of new L-numbers assigned to members of the genus Peckoltia. One of these was L494, previously known as Peckoltia sp. “Rio Paru”. From its initial entrance into the hobby via Germany, offspring has slowly been spread to keepers in the US and the UK. It turns out that this is one of the more attractive species of Peckoltia out there, so we can only hope it will not be lost from the hobby again – the species is currently not allowed for export from Brazil.


Name: Peckoltia sp. “L494”

Trade names: L494, Peckoltia sp. “Rio Paru”

Origin: Rio Paru, Brazil

Maximum TL: 15 cm / 6''


Often wild fish needs some proper care and feeding to regain their strength and vitality, and when they are happy and relaxed they will show off a beautiful orange colour in the fins. Stressed individuals are pale with slightly washed out markings. L494 is an omnivore, so a varied diet is required. After a period of mainteance and conditioning the fish will breed in typical Peckoltia manor. Clean, warm water with good movement and a tank furnished with decent caves and other hiding places makes the fish feel relaxed, and the males will eventually show off some impressive odontodal growth.


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